Campaign on creating a social media app ( That helps fight social loneliness in todays world

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 03-Aug-23
Price: $120

Create a persausive campaign
The campaign message must succinctly but compellingly answer the question “Why is this important?” This message should be narrow enough that it is clear, yet broad enough that several issues can be drawn from it and used throughout the course of the campaign. This assignment will have two sections:

A description of your key messages (1.5 to 2 pages). Your central or key message should be one that is simply and consistently communicated. The key message should be easily adapted for various audiences. This section of the paper will be divided into two labeled sections.
Key Message. Describe the most important idea you want others to know. Your key message, one that you will repeat over and over again should be easy to say and remember—no more than 15 words.
Talking Points. For each audience group, write the talking points, stories and examples that support the key message and address the particular needs and interests of the audience.
Call to Action. Indicate a clear call to action. What do you want each group to do? Provide concrete ways each group can demonstrate its support.
A description of how you plan to target your message to your target audience (1.5 to 2 pages). Trying to reach everyone is a recipe for failure. Focusing your efforts on those who can help you reach your goal saves time, energy, and resources—and is more likely to be successful. This section of the paper will be divided into two labeled sections.
Key Decision Makers. Define the key decision-makers in your audience. A decision-maker is an individual who can make the decision without further approval. Keep in mind that a decision-maker could be a single individual or there may be multiple decision-makers.
Influencers – Influencers are specific to discrete audience segments, and are used as conduits to the entire audience segment.

Below is the point scale per secetion.