Critically contrast and compare how ‘new atheism’ has been received by different audiences, such as religious groups, mainstream media and scholars of religion.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 02-Aug-23
Price: $120

Part 1
Write an essay of no more than 2000 words in answer to one of the following questions:
Critically contrast and compare how ‘new atheism’ has been received by different audiences, such as religious groups, mainstream media and scholars of religion.
Part 2
Write a 250-word commentary for each of three independent study sources you have used in your Part 1 essay. At least one of your sources must be a primary source and at least one must be a secondary source. You should use The PROMPT Criteria You must identify your sources as either primary or secondary in your discussion. You should explain why you chose each source to support the argument in your essay. You should write no more than 750 words in total.  You should write no more than 750 words in total.

1. One important caveat: this is an essay on Religious Studies, NOT theology or philosophy of religion.
2. There are two parts to the essay; the first is a question with a 2000-word response, and the second is is 750.
3. The focus of the answer is on the analysis, not just a description.
4. Each academic paragraph should contain a reference to a primary and secondary source.
5. All citations must be in the Harvard system “with” a page number (this is the university’s citation system – THE PAGE NUMBER IS VERY IMPORTANT)

6. Professor’s cautions:
a. Avoid writing lengthy paragraphs; instead, aim for 200-350 words per paragraph.
b. Instead of long direct quotes, use short quotes or paraphrases.
c. While the majority of the essay is analytical, keep the description to a minimal and only when offering evidence for the point you wish to support.
d. Use material culture and the concept of religion as it is lived
Attached files:
• Essay question and guidance notes for the first and second sections: Guidance Notes For Part 1 and Part 2.docx
• Academic book: A332 B3.pdf
• University website content: online_activities_for_book_3__chapter_3.doc
• Reading of Chapter Three: A332 B3 ch3 Reading1.pdf
• For Part 2 Notes The way it should be in the answer PROMPT:
• The PROMPT Criteria.docx
• PROMPT Criteria checklist.docx
• Primary and Secondary Sources A332 May 2022.pdf