MN4W50 Learning Through Organisations, London Metropolitan

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 05-Oct-23
Price: $120

Professional Practice - Learning Through Organisation

Assessment - Reflective Practice Report

Assessment Tasks

Based on your completed portfolio tasks and 2 PDP development episodes, you should write 1500 (+/-10%) words of reflection on how this module has helped you develop your skills throughout the semester (week 1 to week 12)using a reflective model Gibbs` or Kolb`s in your:

a. Professional Development - Choose one topic from below. Do not discuss all the topics. Analyse and reflect on how learning from this module has developed your professional abilities from week 1 to week 12. Give examples of how you have used / can use the learning from this module.

Choose from: assessment of skills (week 1), career planning (week 2), emotional intelligence (week 4), CV writing / interview skills (week5), negotiation skills (week 7) coaching skills (week 8), problem solving (week 9)and expanding your comfort zone (week 11).

b. Personal Development - Choose one topic from below. Do not discuss all the topics. Analyse and reflect on how learning from this module has developed your personal skills from week 1 to week 12. Give examples of how you have used / can use the learning from this module.

Choose from: assessment of skills (week 1), emotional intelligence (week 4), coaching skills (week 8),self-development and leadership (week 10), comfort zone (week 11).

c. Academic Development-Choose one topic from below. Do not discuss all the topics. Analyse and reflect on how learning from this module has helped you in your academic development from week 1 to week 12. Give examples on how you can use the learning from this module.
Choose from: assessment of skills (week 1), academic writing (week 3), self-development and leadership (week 10).