A7078 Principles of Ruminant Nutrition

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 22-Jan-25
Price: $120

  1. Explain how the structure of the main chemical components in feeds relates to their form and function in both plants and animals, and nutrient supply.
  2. Evaluate the factors affecting forage and feed production.
  3. Analyse animal feeds to determine their chemical composition, and interpret forage and feed analysis reports.

Task Outline

You have been employed as a feed consultant and asked to carry out an analysis on a forage sample. For this exercise, you should use the sample that you appraised during your week of teaching on this module. Your forage analysis should include the following steps:

  • Provide a rationale for the assessment of the sample.
  • Present the results of a limited practical appraisal of the sample.
  • Then as part of the advice / guidance that you will provide to your client discuss:
    • a. the nutritional value of the forage sample
    • b. suggest production factors that may have contributed to the resultant forage.
  • As part of your appraisal suggest which further analyses you would like to carry out and why.
  • Presentation Requirements

    The assignment should be presented in the form of a written report that conforms to the Harper Adams Guide to Report Writing. It should include a summary and introduction at the beginning. You should submit one word processed report online, which is uploaded into the assignment drop-in box on The Learning Hub before the deadline. The report must also conform to the Cite Them Right Harvard (Harper) referencing style.

    Marking Criteria

    The work will be judged against the extent to which it fulfils the following criteria:

    CriteriaWeighting %

    Marking Criteria Details

    Mark RangePresentation/StructureContentSynthesis/Analysis
    70-100Very cohesive structure and plan. Clear articulate, mature style. Confident use of appropriate language. Excellent use of tables, diagrams.Very competent identification and discussion of important and wider issues. Confident use of reference and other data.Highly perceptive analysis. Relevant concepts and implications of data identified and confidently discussed.
    60-69Very competent structure. Clear presentation. Competent use of tables, diagrams.Identification and competent discussion of the main issues. Competent use of reference and other data.Very competent analysis identifying useful concepts and sustaining points made by use of examples and referenced data.
    50-59Evidence of structure. Reasonable clarity. Appropriate use of tables, diagrams.Sound commentary on main problems. Major references used appropriately.Analysis showed understanding of the main concepts. Most important points developed coherently.
    40-49Some attempt made at coherent presentation. Adequate use of tables and /or diagrams.Mainly descriptive commentary. Limited use of reference material and/or other data.Introduction and identification of the basic concepts. Some effort made to relate referenced data to the topic.
    0-39Unstructured presentation. Lack of coherence. Use of tables, diagrams irrelevant or absent.Irrelevant commentary. Inappropriate use or absence of reference material and/or other data.Lack of analytical approach. Only a descriptive outline given. Purpose of work not recognised or misunderstood.