Final Assignment:
These instructions are quite detailed so please read carefully. Note that there are TWO reports to be submitted, an expert advisory report and a reflective learning report.
1. Expert Advisory Report (75%}:
Imagine you are part of an expert team who are producing a report to enact change in your organization. Prepare a report that addresses the following questions
1. Identify and explain 3 important opportunities DBS bank have exploited in their move to cognitive banking and how they leveraged the knowledge and intelligence in the firm (500 words).
2. Identify and explain 3 important challenges DBS encountered as they moved towards a cognitive bank (600 words).
3. Taking each opportunity and challenge identified in (1) & (2) in turn, explain in a few sentences how their approach to management, technology, and organization addressed these challenges. (200 words). Summarise this analysis into a table as indicated in the assignment webinar.
4. On the basis of what you have learned from the case study and related course notes, write down 5 tecommendations for your organization or an organization with which you are familiar as follows:
* You must include at least two practical recommendations which refer specifically to opportunities
and challenges associated with Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.
* Explain why the 5 recommendations are important.
* Using examples, indicate clearly how your organisation can leverage the technology as a driver of
business value in the near term.
* Summarise each recommendation in a few sentences and explain clearly why each one is important.
* Select one recommendation as the highest priority. Why did you select this? (750 words).
5. Prepare a summary table of the findings set out in task 4 above.
6. Referring to the Digital Vulnerabilities reviewed on this course, write down and evaluate three risks associated with your recommendations. Which is the most serious risk? Why? Summarise these findings in a table. (450 words).
7. Set out briefly (600 words) your plan to influence change in your organisation so as to deliver on the number 1 priority recommendation. Think about who would need to be influenced, how you might influence those person(s), why the issue is such a high priority and anything else you think is important as you plan the change.