Faculty Of Dental Medicine Rules For The Preparation And Writing Of The Bachelor’s Thesis

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 22-Jan-25
Price: $120

1. Writing Conditions

  • The thesis will comprise a minimum of 20 pages (excluding bibliography) in ISO A4 format (210 x 297mm), with 2.5 cm margins.
  • Times New Roman 12p font at 1.5 lines is used for the content of the paper.
  • Alignment of text within paragraphs will be justified.
  • Page numbering will start with the title page and continue to the last page; page numbers will be inserted centered in the footer.
  • Printing of pages will be done only on one side of each sheet.
  • Figures are numbered with Arabic numerals and tables are numbered with Roman numerals in the order of appearance in the text.
  • The legend of tables and figures is centered, written in 10p characters per line.
  • 2. Structure Of The Work

    It can be represented by:

    • A. Case study
    • B. Statistical study
    • C. Experimental study
    • D. Literature review.

    The thesis will be structured by chapters and will include the following elements:

    • a) Title page
    • b) Content
    • c) Introduction: It is a paper on the topic, which will present the state of research in the field. It is forbidden, under penalty of plagiarism, to copy extended fragments of the works consulted, rarely specifying the bibliographical source. It will specify the motivation for the choice of theme.
    • d) Material and method (what type of study was made, where it was made, how participants were selected for the study, criteria for inclusion and exclusion of participants, how data were collected, etc)
    • e) Results obtained from the study (literature citations are NOT included in this chapter).
      • If the subject of the paper is a case study, these will be:
        • Minimum 2 for the Dental Technology degree programme
        • Minimum 3 for the Dental Medicine degree programme
        • Minimum 4 for the Master’s degree programme.
      • If the subject of the paper is a statistical study/experimental study/literature review, it is not mandatory to include clinical/technical cases.
    • f) Discussion – compare the results of the study with those obtained in similar studies. Limitations of the study and clinical implications of the results obtained may be mentioned.
    • g) Conclusions – should be written concisely, on 3-5 points, with strict reference to your own results.
    • h) Bibliography:
      • Bibliographic titles should be numbered and listed in the order of appearance in the text.
      • Bibliographic titles should be a minimum of 10, at least half of which should be from the last 10 years.
      • Citation writing will follow the National Library of Medicine’s Citing Medicine model, available at 
      • If the bibliographical reference has more than 4 authors, the first 4 are cited followed by “et al”