How a service blueprint might be used in marketing, human resource management, and operations.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 12-Jun-23
Price: $120

Instructions: In this assignment, you will submit a written report (7-9 pages long and double-spaced, use Times New Roman, 12’’, and leave 1’’ margin on all sides) that addresses the following issues:
Describe why this organization is selected to blueprint.
Describe three key elements of physical evidence revealed in the blueprint (photos/images of these elements should be included in the visual portion of the blueprint) and discuss how they influence customer experiences.
Identify, number, and describe three potential fail points (points in the process where problems may occur) and/or bottlenecks (points in the process where backups or slow delivery may occur).
Suggest possible solutions/alternatives to address these (potential) problem areas.
Discuss how a service blueprint might be used in each of the following areas in this organization: marketing, human resource management, and operations.
Discuss insights from doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.
Outline has been attached as the docx file. You have freedom to choose any organization for the paper.






Not At All Slightly Moderately Very Extremely
Customer actions
0 (0.00%)
The steps that customers take as part of the service deliver y process are NOT AT ALL adequately identified.
1 (3.33333%)
The steps that customers take as part of the service deliver y process are SLIGHTLY adequately identified.
3 (10.00%)
The steps that customers take as part of the service deliver y process are MODERATELY adequately identified.
4 (13.33333%)
The steps that customers take as part of the service deliver y process are VERY adequately identified.
5 (16.66666%)
The steps that customers take as part of the service deliver y process are EXTREMELY adequately identified.
Onstage/visible contact employee actions
0 (0.00%)
Face-to-face actions between employees and customers are NOT AT ALL adequately identified.
1 (3.33333%)
Face-to-face actions between employees and customers are SLIGHTLY adequately identified.
3 (10.00%)
Face-to-face actions between employees and customers are MODERATELY adequately identified.ed.
4 (13.33333%)
Face-to-face actions between employees and customers are VERY adequately identified.
5 (16.66666%)
Face-to-face actions between employees and customers are EXTREMELY adequately identified.
Backstage/invisible contact employee actions
0 (0.00%)
Invisible actions between employees and customers are NOT AT ALL adequately identified.
1 (3.33333%)
Invisible actions between employees and customers are SLIGHTLY adequately identified.
3 (10.00%)
Invisible actions between employees and customers are MODERATELY adequately identified.
4 (13.33333%)
Invisible actions between employees and customers are VERY adequately identified.
5 (16.66666%)
Invisible actions between employees and customers are EXTREMELY adequately identified.
Support processes
0 (0.00%)
Support processes and activities needed to happen in order for the service to be delivered are NOT AT ALL adequately identified
1 (3.33333%)
Support processes and activities needed to happen in order for the service to be delivered are SLIGHTLY adequately identified
3 (10.00%)
Support processes and activities needed to happen in order for the service to be delivered are MODERATELY adequately identified
4 (13.33333%)
Support processes and activities needed to happen in order for the service to be delivered are VERY adequately identified
5 (16.66666%)
Support processes and activities needed to happen in order for the service to be delivered are EXTREMELY adequately identified
Physical evidence
0 (0.00%)
All tangibles that customers are exposed to are NOT AT ALL adequately identified.
1 (3.33333%)
All tangibles that customers are exposed to are SLIGHTLY adequately identified.
3 (10.00%)
All tangibles that customers are exposed to are MODERATELY adequately identified.
4 (13.33333%)
All tangibles that customers are exposed to are VERY adequately identified.
5 (16.66666%)
All tangibles that customers are exposed to are EXTREMELY adequately identified.
Effective written communication
0 (0.00%)
Text that accompanies the blueprint is NOT AT ALL characterized as clearly developed, adequate detailed, and free of grammatical errors
1 (3.33333%)
Text that accompanies the blueprint is SLIGHTLY characterized as clearly developed, adequate detailed, and free of grammatical errors
3 (10.00%)
Text that accompanies the blueprint is MODERATELY characterized as clearly developed, adequate detailed, and free of grammatical errors
4 (13.33333%)
Text that accompanies the blueprint is VERY characterized as clearly developed, adequate detailed, and free of grammatical errors
5 (16.66666%)
Text that accompanies the blueprint is EXTREMELY characterized as clearly developed, adequate detailed, and free of grammatical errors