Reflect On Their Learning And Professional Experiences To Enhance Professional Identity.
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Aims Of The Session
Useful Sources
- Trodd, L. and Trodd, L. (eds.) (2016) The Early Years Handbook for Students and Practitioners: An essential guide for the foundation degree and levels 4 and 5. London: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Cottrell, S. (2013) Study Skills Handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Professionalisation Sub-Group of the Early Years Forum (2020) Code of Professional Responsibilities and Code of Ethics for Early Years Educators. Available at: content/uploads/2020/06/5383_DCYA_CoPR_A4_v10_Web.pdf. (Accessed: 13 October 2022).
- Barnardos and the National Childhood Network (2021) Continuing Professional Development in Early Learning and Care. Dublin: DCEDIY.
- Teaching Council (2016) Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers. Available at:
Assessment C must address LO1 and 6
- Reflect on their learning and professional experiences to enhance professional identity.
- Demonstrate ability to evaluate and plan for development of study skills and monitor achievement.
- Demonstrate ability to source and manage appropriate information.
- Show competence in referencing other people’s work in a precise and systematic way.
- Apply knowledge about major principles and concepts of research to design a coherent and ethically appropriate small-scale research project.
- Articulate and critically reflect on the impact of learning on development of their professional values.