Reflect On Their Learning And Professional Experiences To Enhance Professional Identity.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 22-Jan-25
Price: $120

Aims Of The Session

To outline in some depth what is needed for Assessment C: Reflective Essay

Useful Sources

  • Trodd, L. and Trodd, L. (eds.) (2016) The Early Years Handbook for Students and Practitioners: An essential guide for the foundation degree and levels 4 and 5. London: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Cottrell, S. (2013) Study Skills Handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Professionalisation Sub-Group of the Early Years Forum (2020) Code of Professional Responsibilities and Code of Ethics for Early Years Educators. Available at: content/uploads/2020/06/5383_DCYA_CoPR_A4_v10_Web.pdf. (Accessed: 13 October 2022).
  • Barnardos and the National Childhood Network (2021) Continuing Professional Development in Early Learning and Care. Dublin: DCEDIY.
  • Teaching Council (2016) Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers. Available at: 

Assessment C must address LO1 and 6

  1. Reflect on their learning and professional experiences to enhance professional identity.
  2. Demonstrate ability to evaluate and plan for development of study skills and monitor achievement.
  3. Demonstrate ability to source and manage appropriate information.
  4. Show competence in referencing other people’s work in a precise and systematic way.
  5. Apply knowledge about major principles and concepts of research to design a coherent and ethically appropriate small-scale research project.
  6. Articulate and critically reflect on the impact of learning on development of their professional values.