Youth Substance Abuse and Misuse

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 02-Aug-23
Price: $120

“Adolescence is a time of discovery and experimentation. It is also a period of physical and mental development when small changes can impact on the rest of a person’s life. Adolescence is also the time when a large proportion of teenagers try alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis for the first time. Use of these substances during this period can often be detrimental to normal adult growth and may result in chronic use leading to long-term health problems and early death” (Murphy et al, 2013: 2).
Critically reflect on this statement and determine, using published material, the long-term health problems associated with substance misuse and abuse during adolescent years.
Consider how this period of discovery and experimentation could be considered as ‘gateways’ to other types of substance misuse.
Demonstrate your understanding of the stages of dependency leading to addiction, the range of different types and classifications of drugs and the trends/ prevalence of substance abuse amongst young people in Ireland and abroad.
Determine what types of supports, treatment approaches and interventions are available to young people who are involved in the misuse of substances.
Identify the current responses from Government and ascertain if these approaches/responses are sufficiently alleviating the issue of substance abuse and misuse amongst young people in Ireland today. Give reasons to support your argument.
Support your answers with published articles/material and demonstrate your understanding by exemplification.