Reflective of deep differences between cultures

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 20-Oct-23
Price: $120


1. The question of culturally-bound disorders has been debated. Some believe that these syndromes demonstrate meaningful cultural variations, reflective of deep differences between cultures. On the other hand, others suggest that culturally-bound syndromes are specific expressions of underlying mental problems that are universal (e.g., anxiety), and observed variations only reflect different manifestations of similar problems. Yet, as mentioned by Bures in the reading, some state that every disorder is deeply rooted in culture, and it doesn`t make sense to talk about culturally-bound syndromes the same way it doesn`t make sense to talk about culturally-bound language or religion. Please explain what is your position on these issues.

2. Describe an additional example of a "culture-bound" syndrome (you can look this up on the Internet). Can you think about particular beliefs or values that can explain why the syndrome is common in that particular culture (similarly to the way Bures analyzes koro)?

3. What problems does the "Crazywise" film raise about the Western treatment of mental disorders? What can we learn from the film about approaching mental health differently? Can you think of a personal example related to this (you obviously don`t need to share anything that you don`t want to share, but you can just talk about how your personal understanding about these issues has shifted, and how it can be applied to real life)?