4COM1037 Programming Assignment.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 10-Jul-23
Price: $120

Assignment Title - Basic Game Development in Python (Doable it`s a GAME in python)

This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes:

LO 1: Have knowledge and understanding of sufficient features of a high level programming language to develop solutions to simple programming problems;

LO 2: Have knowledge and understanding of the concepts of data declaration and operations, control flow (sequence, selection, iteration, subroutine call) and modularisation;

LO 3: Have knowledge and understanding of the terminology used in describing programs and programming.

LO 4: Design and implement solutions to simple programming problems in a given programming language;

LO 5: Execute, test and de-bug programs;

LO 6: Document programs to an agreed standard.

Basic Game Development in Python -

Requirements:For this assignment, you are tasked to develop a game called "Guess the Word", which allows two players to participate in turn. The game should contain the following key elements of play:

1. The game should start by prompting Player 1 to enter a word of their choice via the Python console screen for Player 2 to guess (assume that Player 2 looks away and does not see).

2. The Python console should then be cleared so as to hide the word from Player 2.

3. Player 2 must now guess the word by typing one letter into the Python console following a suitable prompt.

4. For each guess, the game needs to determine if the guessed letter is present in the word that has been set by Player 1. If the guess is incorrect, one element of an ambulance should be drawn onto the game/Turtle screen (see video for example of how elements may be drawn and further detail below).

5. The process then repeats from Step 3 (i.e. Player 2 is asked to enter another letter, assuming they have not used up their total number of guesses, as below).

6. Player 2 is allowed a total of 8 incorrect guesses, and hence will lose the game if all 8 attempts have been used.

7. As consistent with the above, the drawing of the ambulance should take 8 strokes in total to complete on the game/Turtle screen. Therefore, if the picture of the ambulance is fully drawn, this means Player 2 loses the game, and a message is displayed on the screen to confirm.