About your perception of diversity

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 17-Oct-23
Price: $120

Provide a background to the study and stress confidentiality

Tell me more about your perception of diversity?

Tell me more about your view on inclusivity

Tell me more about the diverse backgrounds that children come from in the HCCYCC?

In your view, tell me more about differences between the children currently housed in HCCYCC (prompt for population group differences, age differences, social background, socio economic differences and their relation to trauma, emotional wellbeing, violent behaviour, etc. ?

Tell me more about your views on cultural sensitivity (researcher also give their view or definition) and its relation to trauma, emotional wellbeing, the ability to adjust to independent living.

Tell me more about your strategies to deal with sensitivity for different population groups, ages, cultural backgrounds, trauma and depression among the children that are separated from their biological parents

In your experience, what are the differences between the children that stays up to 28 vs those that leave the HCCYCC.

What, in your own view, leads to a successful independent living when a person transitioned out of HCCYCC

What would your key messages be to overcome barriers or obstacles to diversity and inclusion in child care

- Tell me more about current partners with other organizations to provide additional support.

- Tell me more abut your views on affectionate households?

What process do you follow to place children in affectionate households? Tell me more about considerations for diversity

Tell me more about consideration for inclusivity

Can you tell me more about some of the children that aged out of the system?

Share stories of what you remember about children in the past that adapted to independent living

Share stories about their diverse challenges now that they are not in the HCCYCC anymore (prompt for diversity and inclusivity challenges)

What would you like to improve concerning diversity in the HCCYCC? What are your reasons for saying so

What would be your key messages to improve inclusion in HCCYCC? What are your reasons for feeling or saying so

If you can give advice to the rest of South Africa. What would be your key message to address diversity.

What would be your key message about inclusion to the rest of South Africa.