ACCC4006 Determine appropriate fundamental concepts and techniques that can be deployed in the solution of problems/scenarios.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 10-Jul-23
Price: $120

AIM(S) - To provide the student with the essential software concepts involved in the implementation, testing and debugging of programs. Simple design concepts and good programming practices will be adopted throughout the module.

LEARNING OUTCOMES - Upon the successful completion of this module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of programming by analysing and developing solutions to a variety of problems, using software libraries/frameworks if and where appropriate.

2. Determine appropriate fundamental concepts and techniques that can be deployed in the solution of problems/scenarios.

TASK DESCRIPTION - This assignment is designed to test your understanding of the coding concepts covered in class, your ability to read & interpret code, your ability to test code and your ability to develop your own code. The assignment comes in two sections.

SECTION 1 - In a written report (2000 words) complete the following:


1. Define variable and constant. State the difference between variable and constant. Why variable is important in programming?

2. Explain data types and mention why it is necessary? Discuss about implicit and explicit type conversion with suitable examples.

3. Explain control structures in programming. Also, discuss how decision-making changes the flow of the execution. Describe the Boolean operations that can be used in decision-making.


The source code for an application has been provided in the appendix.

Run the code and describe how the application works, creating step by step instructions for using this application. Preferably, illustrate your answer with appropriate screen shots and diagrams e.g. flow charts.

Read and provide a line-by -line explanation of how the code for this application has been implemented. Take care to include a description of the concepts used including the arguments being passed, return types, etc.