Addressing Spiritual Needs in Healthcare Essay

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Last Updated: 17-Oct-23
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This paper delves deeper into the ethical dilemmas and decision-making processes related to a patient’s spiritual needs within the context of the Christian worldview. We explore the case of Mike, a Christian father who refuses medical intervention for his critically ill son, James, due to his religious beliefs. The paper examines the balance between patient autonomy and the physician’s duty to act in the patient’s best interest, grounded in the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence. We also discuss the importance of a spiritual needs assessment in providing holistic care. Drawing from peer-reviewed articles published since 2018, we analyze and integrate contemporary research findings to support our discussion.


In the case of Mike, a Christian who refuses medical intervention for his son James, the question arises of whether the physician should allow Mike to continue making decisions that appear irrational and potentially harmful to James. This dilemma highlights the tension between respecting patient autonomy and fulfilling the physician’s duty to provide the best possible care. Patient autonomy is a cornerstone of medical ethics, and it is crucial in respecting the rights and choices of patients (Beauchamp & Childress, 2019). Informed consent is the practice that allows patients to make decisions about their own healthcare, even if those decisions seem irrational or potentially harmful to others (Kaplan & Glasser, 2018).

Patient Autonomy and Respect

Informed consent is not only a legal requirement but also a moral and ethical obligation for healthcare professionals. It respects a patient’s right to make decisions about their healthcare, considering their values, beliefs, and personal choices. This is particularly relevant in the case of Mike, a devout Christian whose faith plays a central role in his decision-making process regarding his son’s medical treatment. Mike’s autonomy should be respected, as it aligns with his deeply held Christian beliefs. Research has shown that respecting patient autonomy contributes to trust between patients and healthcare professionals, thus improving patient satisfaction and outcomes (McCormick et al., 2018). In this context, it is essential for the physician to engage in open and respectful dialogue with Mike, discussing the potential risks and benefits of different treatment options, while acknowledging the central role of his faith in decision-making.

Christian Perspective on Sickness, Health, and Medical Intervention

Christianity offers a unique perspective on sickness and health, deeply intertwined with spiritual beliefs and values. Sickness is often perceived as part of God’s divine plan, and Christians believe that God may use suffering as a means of spiritual growth and purification (Evers, 2020). The decision to seek medical intervention is a matter of personal conviction, and it can vary among individuals and Christian denominations. The Bible offers guidance on seeking wisdom and guidance in decision-making (Proverbs 3:5-6), which can be interpreted as a call to use medical knowledge and expertise in times of illness. Additionally, it is stated that God is a healer (Psalm 103:3), emphasizing that healing can come from God through medical intervention. Therefore, Christians can justify both medical treatment and prayer as means of healing, considering them as complementary approaches.