Completing professional research paper-what is hypothesis

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 17-Oct-23
Price: $120

Purpose: Now that you have worked through most of the process of completing a professional research paper, you will practice applying your skills and understanding of the material through a detailed evaluation of a research article. These skills are relevant to becoming a researcher in the psychological sciences and will help you compose your research paper with greater rigor and concern for appropriate methods and reporting practices.

First, read a research article by Chang, Luo, Walton, Aguilar, and Bailenson (2019) entitled "Stereotype Threat in Virtual Learning Environments: Effects of Avatar Gender and Sexist Behavior on Women`s Math Learning Outcomes. Download Stereotype Threat in Virtual Learning Environments: Effects of Avatar Gender and Sexist Behavior on Women`s Math Learning Outcomes." Respond to the following questions:

1. What research question is being addressed in this study?

2. What is the hypothesis?

3. What is the first independent variable?

4. What are the levels of the first IV?

5. What is the second independent variable?

6. What are the levels of the second IV?

7. What is the first dependent variable and how was it operationalized?

8. What is the second dependent variable and how was it operationalized?

9. List one quality of the study that indicates that it is an experiment?

10. Describe the participants in the study. How many participants are there? Where were they recruited from? Why did they participate?

11. In your words what was the result of the study?

12. What conclusions were drawn about human behavior?

13. What is one possible confound in the study?