Crafting an Engaging Introduction: The Art of Hooks, Theses, and Roadmaps in Essay Writing Discussion
Assignment Question
Week 6: Discussion – Hooks and Roadmaps Assignment Your introduction is the first impression your paper will make on its reader. It should be interesting, to the point, and it should outline the body of your essay. Not only will this outline guide your reader, it will guide you too. First things first…let’s discuss the structure of your introductory paragraph: Hook: this is the first sentence of your introduction and the first sentence of your essay. MAKE IT COUNT. You can ask a question or give a fact or a statement. Thesis: this is the part of your introduction that tells readers what your entire paper is about. It doesn’t just give the reader the overall topic of your essay, but the topics of each of your body paragraphs. Roadmap: After your readers know what you are about to tell them, you will present your main points. The topics of each body paragraph should be mentioned in the order you will mention them in your paper. This creates a road map, which guides the readers through your paper. Writers use all sorts of hooks. They can be anything from music lyrics to shocking facts, to jokes or funny stories. It really depends on the topic and how you would like to connect with your readers. This week, do some research on hooks for writers. For your initial post, provide us with your hook and thesis you plan to use in your This I Believe Essay. When responding to others, please look to see if you can guess the roadmap for the essay. In essence, can you tell where the reader is going to go with the essay? In your response, you can also share ideas on how to make the hook or thesis more engaging.