Describe the local demographics of your community

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120

Question 1: Describe the local demographics of your community. Include information on race, age, education, income, and crime.

A good source for this information is Data Commons.

Question 2: Identify at least three specific needs and services that your clients will have as they prepare to leave jail and transition back into the community.
Take into consideration the demographics of your area and the needs of your community`s population.

Question 3: Conduct research to locate names of at least three appropriate community resources (agencies, programs, and services) that will serve your clients` needs.
You may need to expand your search to surrounding areas if you cannot find something directly in your own community.

Question :4 Decide how clients will access these services.
You can be creative. Human services professionals are always trading services with each other.