Describe the responses of the principal physiological (cardiovascular, respiratory, haematological and neuromuscular) systems to exercise.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 01-Aug-23
Price: $120

Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology

Learning outcomes:

1. Describe the basic structure and functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, haematological and neuromuscular systems;

2. Explain the control mechanisms, which govern the regulation and homeostasis of the principal physiological (cardiovascular, respiratory, haematological and neuromuscular) systems;

3. Describe the responses of the principal physiological (cardiovascular, respiratory, haematological and neuromuscular) systems to exercise.

4. Describe the three energy systems used to produce chemical energy and their relative contribution to both resting and steady state exercise

5. Interpret physiological data produced from an exercise physiology laboratory setting.

Assessment 1:2000-Word Lab Report


You will complete a lab report based on the data collected in the laboratory session in week A11 and S1.

In this laboratory report you are being assessed on your underlining knowledge on the physiological systems that respond to exercise. This is sometimes referred to as non-static physiology. In your report, you should address the physiology underpinning the observed responses to exercise and how the different systems are working together to ensure homeostasis is maintained. The data will be posted onto Moodle and the title (or sometimes referred to as a research question) will be given to you in the associated hand out. You will be expected to use the relevant data to explain the physiological responses. The data/statistical analysis procedures used will be explained to you in your Good Science module with the resulting data provided to you to interpret.

Guide to writing the lab report and checklist

Laboratory report should include the following;

1) Abstract*

2) Introduction

3) Methods

4) Results*

5) Discussion

6) References

All these sections are required to be similar to those seen in journal papers in exercise physiology. Some additional guidance will be provided to you in Good Science with part of the *Abstract and all of the Results sections given to you to allow the best possible interpret of the data.

Assessment 2:

This assessment is designed to test your knowledge of all of the theoretical taught elements of this module and will be made up of a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions. More information on this exam will be made available early in 2019.