Develop a thought-provoking question related to the topic

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Last Updated: 19-Oct-23
Price: $120

Assignment: Fundamentals of Psychology


For this assignment, you will reflect on the content covered in the course units 1-8 and select one area that you felt was most significant or not covered enough. This should be an area where you have not already completed an assignment. Once you have chosen this area, you will create a comprehensive question and provide a detailed answer.

Additionally, you will reflect on why you found this area important.


Your should be structured as follows:

1) Area of Importance: Start your assignment by revisiting the content of the course. Identify the topic or concept from the course that you felt was most important. Be specific about the module or units it was covered in. Write a paragraph outlining this area and why you chose it as the most important.

2) Question Creation: Develop a thought-provoking question related to this topic. The question should be open-ended and require a nuanced understanding of the topic. This question should require detailed topic knowledge to answer and stimulate deep thinking. Write this question in a way that is clear and direct.

3) Question Response: Write a comprehensive answer to your question. Your answer should demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic and include specific examples or details from the course materials to support your points. The response should be written in your own words and supported by at least one peer-reviewed, scholarly journal article. This section will form the main body of your assignment and may span multiple paragraphs.

4) Reflection: Conclude your assignment by reflecting on why you believe your chosen area was the most crucial part of the course. You might consider its relevance to real-world applications, its connection to other topics in the course, its potential impact on your future career or personal life, or the intellectual challenges it presents. Offer a thoughtful analysis, indicating a genuine personal engagement with the subject.