Discuss facts and thoughts regarding dna

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 19-Oct-23
Price: $120

Case Study: One of the most interesting things that connects all living things is DNA! In this unit, we`ll be exploring how DNA is studied, how it behaves in the cell, and how it can result in some amazing characteristics in some amazing organisms. The purposes of this discussion are to remind everyone of what they already know and don`t know about the topic, and practice asking important, thought-provoking questions.

Question 1: Lesson Outcomes

Discuss facts and thoughts regarding DNA.

Question 2: Steps to Complete the TaskStep 1: Recall, Realize, Research

Write a brief list that addresses the following questions:

  • What is 1 thing you know about DNA? (from your memory - not something you just looked up)
  • What is 1 thing you think is true about DNA but are not sure? (from your memory - not something you just looked up)