Examples of preventative measures aging adult

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 17-Oct-23
Price: $120


Early adulthood, a period typically defined as being between the ages of 25 and 40, brings with it a whole host of physical changes, including changes in the reproductive system, skin, hearing and vision (Feldman, 2017). Around the age of 30, changes related to aging start to occur in the body. Vision is one of the significant changes, as during this time the lens of the eye begins to thicken and harden, resulting in a decreased ability to view objects closeup. Sound sensitivity also commonly decreases around this period, occurring twice as fast in men as in women. Aging is comprised of primary and secondary aging, primary aging refers to changes that occur on a molecular and cellular level within the body; these type of changes are an unavoidable part of aging. Secondary aging is aging that occurs due to lack of exercise or poor nutrition. Do you truly feel that primary aging really is unavoidable? Can you give any examples of preventative measures an aging adult can use early to slow the process later?