Explain how peace was achieved by the warring parties

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120

Questions: M2-A Supplementary Reflection Assignment: This article on Kieft`s War goes into detail about how cultural misunderstandings in the colony of New Amsterdam built upon each other until violence broke out between the Dutch and local indigenous tribes. It then argues that differences in "cultures of violence" and the inability to understand these differences exacerbated violent conflicts. Still, somehow, peace emerged after many years, but only as culturally-based concepts of justice were satiated.

1) Please briefly explain each of the two stakeholders` perspectives [Director General William Kief and his followers on the one hand and the Lenape people (later known as the Delaware Indians) and confederated Algonquian peoples on the other] as to the wrong that occurred and how justice would be achieved.

2) Please explain how peace (the satiation or the mitigation of culturally-based concepts of justice held by the stakeholders) was achieved by the warring parties.

3) Would the situation have evolved and ended differently if today`s concepts of rule of law and professional criminal justice organizations (police, courts, corrections) with their cultural sensitivity and training in cross-cultural communications and conflict resolution, restorative justice, and community-based policing existed then? Why or why not?