How will change be communicated to stakeholders

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 17-Oct-23
Price: $120

Leading Change In Healthcare

Learning Outcome 1: Critically appraise relevant strategies, theories and models to implement individual or organisational change in the healthcare environment.

Learning Outcome 2: Consider factors that act as a stimulus for change, resistance to change and successful change in healthcare.

Learning Outcome 3: Propose transformational leadership skills necessary to implement organisational change and act as a change agent.

Learning Outcome 4: Formulate a plan to lead an innovative change within the healthcare environment.

Details This task provides you with the opportunity to apply the principles you have learnt from the first two assessments and the subject content. This final assessment requires you to identify change that would benefit your organisation.

You are required to prepare a presentation of your plan to institute this change. Your presentation should include the reasons for the change and the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the change process. Refer to findings from current literature to support the information being presented.

Your presentation should address the following areas:
• Why is the change necessary? What will happen if the change is not implemented? What characteristics of the change make it innovative?
• Which models will be used? Why? (You need to strongly argue whey they are the appropriate models).
• What skills will the leaders and change agents require?
• How will change be communicated to stakeholders? How will you determine if this communication has been effective?
• What are the anticipated barriers and enablers? What resistance is anticipated? How will resistance be managed? What disruption is anticipated during the change process? How will disruption be managed?
• How will the change process be evaluated?
• What are the indicators of successful/unsuccessful change?

Style and format The presentation must be a professional presentation. It might be, for example, a voice over PowerPoint or you can video yourself like a conference presentation.

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