How you would utilize chatgpt to benefit the business

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120

Question 1. You are the sole IT director managing a 3-person IT team for an SMB. The owner of the business asks you how ChatGPT can help the business. The owner does not want a long whitepaper; an email will suffice. Write email to the business owner describing how you would utilize ChatGPT to benefit the business.

Question 2. In Chapter 2, the "Defining Your Organization`s Network Requirements" section (pp. 57-59) describes some important areas you need to consider when deciding on the networking requirements. You are the network analyst for a small rural hospital that is rolling out clinical information systems to enable healthcare providers to view X-rays, MRIs, and other radiology studies. Describe, qualitatively, how you would approach the following requirements areas:

Access controls
Network security
Please write one paragraph for each requirement area.

Question 3. Find and view several YouTube videos that explains Unified Communications (UC). Identify the URLs for three videos that you think do excellent job explaining UC. If you had to select only one video to recommend to fellow business students, which would you choose? Why?

Question 4. What is Unified Communications, and how would it benefit a business? Also, how can a business use this method to their advantage?

Question 5. Please explain the Digital Signature, and mention the benefits of using Digital Signature.