Identify the nutrient children are getting

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120


Question: Plan a lunch menu and and a snack for a 5 year old child using the checklist below: •Are all components included in the meal? •Are the serving sizes sufficient and was milk served with the main meals? •Was other foods included to help meet the nutritional needs of young children and to satisfy their appetites? •Are the combinations of foods pleasing and acceptable to children? •Do meals include a good balance of color, texture, shape, flavor, and temperature? •Were other foods high in Vit A, C, and iron included? •Were foods varied from day to day, week to week? •Were different kinds or forms of food included (fresh, canned, dried?) •Were seasonal foods included? Then give information on these questions. * Provide serving size of each food source. * Identify the nutrient children are getting from the foods, including as many nutrients as possible from Vit A, Vit C, Calcium, and Iron