Identifying human rights or social-economic

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 18-Oct-23
Price: $120

Students will design a strategy to eliminate oppressive structural barriers evident in their client case writing. The strategy will be presented in a presentation to the class,

1. Identifying human rights or social, economic, or environmental justice violation, how this violation affects the interviewee (or people like them), and where the oppressive structural barriers are present to sustain the injustice.

2. Identifying a strategy for removing the structural barrier and how the student envisions how social goods, rights, and responsibilities are distributed equitably to advance the well-being of clients. This strategy may be found from another source and cited appropriately or may be a new idea.

Interview information

In a previous interview, we learned about the experiences of a 46-year-old woman from Sicilian- Italian- American background, hailing from a devoutly Catholic family. Her life story reveals a profound connection between her identity, the concept of human rights, and the intricate web of social, economic, and environmental justice.

Growing up, the interviewee encountered a complex interplay between her Sicilian-Italian heritage and societal perceptions of race. Despite her European ancestry, her olive-colored skin led her to be excluded from the category of "white". This experience highlights the intersection of identity and human rights, as every individual deserves equal treatment and protection regardless of their ethnicity. The right to be free from discrimination, a fundamental human right, was challenged in her life due to biased perceptions.