Implement a method to add elements to an arraylist

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120

Exercise 1: Common Features of Lists

Exercise Description: Implement an abstract class called `AbstractList` that provides a skeleton implementation for common features of lists. This abstract class should define methods such as `add`, `remove`, `get`, and `size`. Then, create a concrete class called `ArrayList` that extends `AbstractList` and implements the methods using an array-based approach.

Test Cases:

1. Test Case 1:

- Input: ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();

- Operations:

- list.add(5);

- list.add(10);

- list.add(15);

- Expected Output:

- list.size() returns 3

- list.get(1) returns 10

2. Test Case 2:

- Input: ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();

- Operations:

- list.add("apple");

- list.add("banana");

- list.remove("apple");

- Expected Output:

- list.size() returns 1

- list.get(0) returns "banana"

Hint: Use Java 8 features like generics and method references to implement the abstract class and the concrete `ArrayList` class.

Exercise 2: Dynamic List Using an Array

Exercise Description: Implement a class called `DynamicList` that provides a dynamic list using an array-based approach. The class should automatically resize the array when necessary, and it should include methods such as `add`, `remove`, `get`, and `size`.

Test Cases

1. Test Case 1:

- Input: DynamicList list = new DynamicList<>();

- Operations:

- list.add(5);

- list.add(10);

- list.add(15);

- Expected Output:

- list.size() returns 3

- list.get(1) returns 10

2. Test Case 2:

- Input: DynamicList list = new DynamicList<>();

- Operations:

- list.add("apple");

- list.add("banana");

- list.remove("apple");

- Expected Output:

- list.size() returns 1

- list.get(0) returns "banana"

Hint: Use the concept of dynamic array resizing to implement the `DynamicList` class.

Exercise 3

Implement a method to add elements to a Collection and use an Iterator to print them

- Test Case 1: Add `Apple`, `Banana`, `Cherry` to the collection. Expected outcome: The elements are printed in the order they were added.

- Test Case 2: Add `Orange`, `Pear`, `Grape` to the collection. Expected outcome: The elements are printed in the order they were added.

Hint: Use the `add()` method of the Collection interface to add elements to the collection. Use an Iterator to traverse the collection and print the elements.

Exercise 4

Implement a method to add elements to an ArrayList, remove an element, and use a for-each loop to print the remaining elements

- Test Case 1: Add `Apple`, `Banana`, `Cherry` to the ArrayList and remove `Banana`. Expected outcome: `Apple` and `Cherry` are printed.

- Test Case 2: Add `Orange`, `Pear`, `Grape` to the ArrayList and remove `Pear`. Expected outcome: `Orange` and `Grape` are printed.

Hint: Use the `add()` method of the ArrayList class to add elements to the list. Use the `remove()` method to remove an element. Use a for-each loop to traverse the list and print the elements.