KD7067 Engineering Research and Project Management.

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 10-Jul-23
Price: $120

Topic: Application of Automation in Retal Marketting

Assignment Brief
Clear statement of the work that students are expected to undertake:

Learning outcome 1:Appreciate the business context of projects within their subject discipline and be able to select and apply appropriate techniques and tools for the planning and management of those projects

Learning outcome 2: Critically understand and professionally deal with the wide range of legal, professional, social and ethical issues and responsibilities that relate to their future working within their subject discipline

Learning outcome 3: Critically evaluate various research approaches, methods and techniques

Learning outcome 4: Produce a Research Proposal based on searching, retrieving, selecting and critically evaluating information

Assignment Brief

For this assignment you, are to choose a research topic area, from the list supplied, and preferably in your programme area. These research topics have been supplied by academic staff with information regarding the details, outcomes and where to obtain information.

Your task will to research the subject and critically evaluate the literature and then develop a project proposal suitable for a 60 credit MSc Engineering Project. This proposal should provide:

(a) Appropriate background and or theory to justify the project

(b) Definite project Aims and Objectives

(c) Deliverables

(d) Time scales and Gantt Chart

(e) Required Resources and Estimate of the costs

(f) References and Citations

Your Research Project Proposal must conform to the Notes on Presentation. Your report must include:

1. A front page

This should be as provided
2. The main report as outlined below:


1) Abstract.

2) Introduction- general overview.

Some points to consider.

i) Reasons for the work - outline current research / market/ benefits that project will produce

ii) Research critically considered, referenced and differences in this work and proposed work highlighted

iii) Theory where necessary

3) Project Aims and Objectives, Deliverables

No more than 6 SMART Objectives

4) Project Plan

This must include a Gantt chart taken from MS Project

5) Financial Justification

This should include a list of:

i) Physical Resources required for the project.

ii) Human Resources required for the project.

iii) Overall costing.