What is the nature of the problem that the policy is intended to address?
Students will prepare a 5-7 page analysis (not including the title or reference pages) for one policy that provides the following: 1) brief problem description, 2) title and description of one particular legislative policy that addresses the problem, 3) the goals of the policy, 4) a description of the services, 5) eligibility rules (be sure to include estimates of those eligible and those receiving services), 6) service delivery system, 7) financing, and 8) analysis of the policy. Description of the Problem (1 page) Problem scope – WHY? What is the nature of the problem that the policy is intended to address? What is the extent (scope) of the problem? How many are affected by this problem? (Use specific statistics) Why is a policy necessary to address this problem? Title and Description of Relevant Policy (1 page) .Formal title of the legislative policy Detailed description of the policy * students must identify a legislative policy that is up for consideration or that has been passed using suggested resources-do NOT create a policy* Policy Goals and Objectives (½ page) Goals – WHAT? What should this policy accomplish? What are the Manifest/Latent goals Benefits and/or Programs and Services (½ page) Benefits & Services – WHAT? What is to be delivered? (Is this benefit/service designed to help people overcome barriers to meeting their needs? Or, does the benefit/service exist to correct some “deficit” or behavior? How much consumer choice is allowed?