What were most important leadership lessons from simulation

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120


Actions: What did you do- be specific and be sure to align the actions to the wording of the prompt:

Results: How do your actions affect your leadership, community of stakeholders at the school:


Question A. How does the information in this simulation apply to your current or future role?

Question B. Were there any unethical or unprofessional actions in play during this simulation? Explain.

Question C. Which of the following professional norms (integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning, and continuous improvement) were required to make good decisions in this simulation? Explain.

Question D. What were the most important leadership lessons from this simulation? (For example, a leadership lesson could be, "Personnel issues won`t fix themselves, so we need to intervene.")