What you have learned from this study

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 16-Oct-23
Price: $120

Case Study 1: Students are required to select a date set for regression tasks and define a question based on business requirement. This should include: (i) selection of dataset; (ii) exploring, summarizing and preparing the data; (iii) defining the problem and requirements; (iv)
defining an experiment setup; (v) implementing your approach; and (vi) evaluating and analysing approach. (Marks: 20)

Problem: Describe the problem and highlight the business need.

Approach: Describe your approach It should focus on e.g., learning techniques, features, model tuning, parameter selection and analysis e.g., how the analysis will answer your questions

Results: Summarize results and critically analyse results e.g. limitations of data, setup or approach, characteristic errors, possible improvements.

Conclusion: Conclude with what you have learned from this study which would improve yourself as a data analyst. Would you recommend this as a solution to your problem? Provide reasons.