Which customer spent the most money?

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 07-Sep-23
Price: $120

Learning Outcome 1: Critical thinking: evaluate ideas and concepts.

bProfessional communication: communicate effectively in a variety of situations with different audiences including via electronic media, including face-to-face group discussions, software demonstrations requiring technical knowledge and language, walkthrough sessions etc.

Learning diary

Students are expected to log their learning activities (e.g., lab tasks and extra work) in the diary; there should also be some reflection on the activities, including (but not limited to) the issues/challenges, approaches to address the issues, what worked and what didn`t and why, what have been learnt, etc. You should summarise your understanding of the topics that have been practiced using your own words. It`s a good idea to take screenshots of the tasks, issues, the solution and outcomes. Do not simply copy and paste any existing contents from lecture notes, the Internet, etc.

Assignment tasks

Students need to work on the given tasks and submit a single report that documents the solutions of the two tasks.

Students are expected to look at the provided e-commerce dataset, which is about one- week of some e-commerce activities (from 1st December to 8th December 2010) to carefully design both a relational model and a graphical model based on the contents of the dataset, and to implement into a relational database and graph database for the queries. In the report, students need to include 1) both models with good explanation/justification, 2) the detailed process of database creation and 3) carefully designed SQL and Cypher commands to answer the following queries.

 How many customers are from the United Kingdom?

 Which product is the most popular one (i.e., most customers purchased it)?

 Which customer spent the most money?

 Display the customer who placed orders in the most consecutive calendar months?

 What did the customers buy before and after they bought the most popular product?