Which of the alternative transport routes/modes would you recommend on costs grounds to serve the Spanish distributor?

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 07-Sep-23
Price: $120


You have recently taken the position of Supply Chain Director at Catalysis in the UK and you have been tasked with evaluating the options for outbound transport for silica products to both Spain and North America. You have been asked to compile a concise report detailing:

1. Which of the alternative transport routes/modes would you recommend on costs grounds to serve the Spanish distributor?

2. Which of the alternative transport modes would you recommend on cost grounds - to North America? You should use the framework provided in Appendix C to calculate the two modal options.

3. What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the modal options you are recommending and the wider issues that need to be considered?

An additional 10% of marks will be awarded for the structure, presentation and referencing (if relevant).

The report should be divided into appropriate sections and be no more than 1,500 words. Assumptions, logic and justifications should be carefully stated and freight costs for each European option presented as a total weekly cost. Whilst this is a report, based on the case study material provided, you may still use references where they support the arguments and recommendations you put forward, particularly in Q3.