Why is the concept of learning transfer important

Publish By: Admin,
Last Updated: 17-Oct-23
Price: $120

Questions: One thing to always have in mind is that training/learning experiences do not close all gaps in or barriers to performance. After watching the recorded lectures, the video "Performance Improvement - more than just a change in behaviour" and reading "So You Think You`ve Got A Training Problem?" answer the following questions (you can submit via text entry or document upload):

  1. Why is the concept of Learning Transfer important not only for a company, but for the employees too? (In your own words)
  2. Using the Gilbert Behavioral Engineering Model, list 6 specific questions (each relating to a different area of the model [e.g.: resources, motivation etc...]) that you would ask a retail salesperson to help understand what the most appropriate area/s would be to focus your intervention on, to improve the salesman`s performance. Think about what you would need to know to understand what is resulting in a gap in performance.
  3. Provide an example of a situation where training would not be the most appropriate intervention to improve performance and why?